070. Contributed by Raena:
What's the problem with SUVs? Are they too big for drivers to handle? Should these drivers give up driving SUVs and stick to driving Mr. Bean's Mini? Or should they go for bus-driver training? This Idiotic Parker confirms that SUV drivers need help.
Taken at Jelita Shopping Centre carpark. Submitted on 4 April 2006.
I agree totally!!!
All these inconsiderate SUV drivers should be fined heavily.
Not only the take up more spaces, there are those who must always park their SUV with noses sticking out of the lots by more than a foot and cause the fellow drivers parking beside them having problems to get out not to mention also narrowing the wide of the drive by doing so.
They should not be allowed to drive monsterous car and should stick to picantos or kancils.
no no no, we cannot "They should not be allowed to drive monsterous car and should stick to picantos or kancils. "
instead, we should "FEMALE should not be allowed to drive monsterous car and should stick to picantos or kancils."
I dun agree with the above post. We real man should be more gracious. Not every females r lousy drivers who cant drive n park, i got a female friend who drives a Honda Odessey & can drive n park better than most guys...
Parking depends on skills n instinct...
my boss drives a Lexus RX350, and I'm so sick of her complaining to us how difficult to park, how small the lots in singapore are, how many scratches her beautiful door has. The other day she mounted kerb and her rims were "destroyed". Complain complain everyday...
i should print out the parking label for her and take a picture of her parking one day ;)
the person who say "FEMALE shld not be allowed to drive monsterous car and should stick to picantos or kancils" is indeed a frog in a well, there's a lot of females whom can drive and park much better than some guys do
guys, the comments are meant for idiot drivers, not for any "sex" wars. Please please, focus on the idiot drivers and have a good laugh. wahahaha let's take more photos and maybe come out with a more user friendly "parking fine" type of label, or even a sticker type better.
Drivers of SUVs are not excused from parking properly. Granted it's more difficult to park such cars compared to most average-sized sedans. But all it takes is a bit more effort and time to get their big-butt SUVs parked properly ;p
Not all SUV drivers are alike, some Toyota Prado drivers drive and park quite well despite being hairdressers.
I used to drive a Holden Suburban, I can't help take up the whole lot with a car like that. But I usually pick to park next to a small car so that the other lot is allows me more space.
I drive a Renault Trafic van, no SUV is bigger than my van. It is even bigger than Merc V-Class... it has big mirrors, reverse sensors and sliding doors so I park well and still have space to unload in tight lots. Plus I get 14+ km/ liter fuel efficiency on my turbo engine. No excuse, this SUV driver is probably so full of himself/herself that s/he cannot be bothered to park correctly.
not sure if i am right.... the white car on the right does not look too straight either... naybe its a domino effect...
SUVs should come with swivelling mirrors, so that when reversing to park, the side mirrors turn downwards to show the lines.
Agree with above. It could be the white car who started the domino, causing the SUV to slightly infringe the next lot.
To owner of this site, please only post photos of 100% clear cut idiot parker, becos it'll be unfair for the drivers in those 50-50 case.
Why is it always anonymous people who post random comments ? Tsk !
Anyway yes, I am totally with the thought that not all females are bad drivers just as not all male drivers are brilliant ones.
Granted, there may be a bigger percentage of females who are more "kayu" but I have seen my fair share of uncles on the road who drive like they are still in the 60s (ie. cars are smaller, cannot go too fast, so drive at 60km/hr on fast lane of the expressway).
Right. Back to dissin' idiotic parkers, regardless of sex, age, religion, colour of car...
No! I'm not looking down on women drivers (1st commnet was by me). And not that all huge vehicle drivers r "kayu"!!! As 1 comment wriiten by a Trafic driver. I would say some a**holes thought by driving big or expensive cars they "have" more priviledge to park like an IDIOT.
For everyone's information..... I have checked with the parking wardens and they r more than willing to issue summons to these farkers. Feel free to call tis line: 1800-2721409 (for HDB CP only) to inform them about these idiots. wat is there 4 us to loose, it is tool-free afterall. hahaha
anyone got the URA toll free number to call about illegal parking?
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