Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Parking Idiot Labels

April has been a busy month for the blog. Only 5 days in, and I have received many photos of Parking Idiots. Seems like these idiots have not yet learned their lesson. Oh, well, they asked for it!

I have had to forgo posting some photos up, as whilst their parking was pretty screwed up, those cars were still within the lot; so technically not wrong. We need to be flexible, as we aren't perfect; so I hope that the contributors understand. We hope that all drivers will park properly within their carpark lots, but if you can't even park within the lot or are a road hazard, then you are fair game to be displayed on this site. Do keep sending the photos in.

A reader, Miss ene, came up with a great idea to provide easy access to the parking idiot labels. Thus, for those of you who would like to have some parking idiot labels handy to stick on these "idiotic parkers" (also coined by Miss ene), you can click on the Parking Idiot Labels links on the right side bar, and print them. No copyright issues - you can print and distribute to your heart's content.


Mockingbird said...

You've been doing a great job in coming out with this blog. Keep up the good work! :)

Anonymous said...

While I commend the person who designed the labels, perhaps I can also offer some advice.

The labels are, at present, too wordy. The emphasis is on the wrong words. Can it be shortened to:

"I'm a parking idiot.
See me at"

That essentially says it all.


Anonymous said...

ditto to above

Anonymous said...

Yes, make it short and simple. If it's not too much, perhaps you could put 6 such labels on one page (eg using MS Powerpoint) so that we could have 6 'kills' in one A4 paper. It helps us to save our 'resources' too :-)