Tuesday, April 04, 2006

065. Contributed by Pam:

Well, well, well.. able-bodied person in a Toyota without any handicap logo parking in a handicap lot! What an idiot - is probably socially inept as well.

Taken at ECP Carpark F2. Submitted on 3 April 2006.


Mockingbird said...

9298? Auspicious number in Cantonese. Maybe Cantonese driver? ;p

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

maybe his aim is to be a handicapped personnel???

Anonymous said...

sometimes, some compassion ought to be given.
somebody in the family might be wheelchair bound? say an old granny or someone with an injury etc?

my mother in law used to be in a wheelchair and it was truly a hassle trying to park in a normal lot and let her out. can you imagine manuvoeuring a wheelchair between 2 cars and not scratching the other? SWEAT boy!

Anonymous said...

tot i saw the handicapp sticker on the windscreen.
then again..

Anonymous said...

I thinking maybe you should tie up with Mr. Brown Show (www.mrbrownshow.com) and start some form of new podcast/blog stuff. That would share take these errant drivers to task!