269. Contributed by Alan:
Here's an idiot who has a fetish to be a biker, and starts off by parking in their lots. Wonder if the real bikers will be sympathetic to his fetish when they discover him occupying their space.
Taken at Bukit Batok West Ave 2. Submitted on 10 May 2006
Much easier for bike to scratch car than for car to scratch bike ;p
wtf man? might as well park under void deck rite?
ya rite agree w e post above.. accidentally "scratch" e car when movin out lo.. haha no choice ah..
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
ya after e car got scratch the idiot will compliant to e world but little does the world knows where that idiot park the car in the first place.hahaha... like tat one man under e void deck!haha..
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
What a great site
I am going to stanby a screw driver and fixed it to my bike's handle. And.... in, out, in, out..... till I make some "ang gong" for the car. :P
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