287. Contributed by alwaysParksuisui:
Here is a Merc who thinks his car is way too big to fit in one lot. Or perhaps the idiot driver is too big for the lot. Whichever the case, the idiot driver is definately selfish and inconsiderate.
Taken at Parkway Parade on 9 may 2006 at about 11:20am.
y e pl he park got no lines drawn de except 4 e line on e driver side?dun look like he occupy 2 lots but rather he parks in a loadin bay or sth liddat la.. mayb e contributer can explain?
it's probably not a lot but excess space that is smaller than a normal lot should be thus no lot marking?
these contributors have too much free time on their hands.. nothing better to do than.. most of the photos are so similar in the parking mistakes made. not interesting at all
how more interesting can idiotic parking be ... the idea is to put parking idiots to shame ... if their hide are not too thick ...
there are only so many different ways you can park like an idiot ... unless u are innovative ... like to see u park on your side ...
Is this a lost cause? Most of these drivers who can't bother to park properly get away with it most of the time anyway.
i dun believe it is a lost cost ...
it is like fishing ... u cannot catch all the fish in the sea ... but u catch wat u can ...
Just as
That sounds like the modus operandi of the fisherman and the traffic police.
A fisherman can't catch all the fish in the sea but he catches what he can.
Likewise the TP also can't catch all who exceed speed limit but they catch what they can ;p Nowadays with their advanced fast sharp-shooting cameras, it's quite hard to escape the net of the TP heh? ;p
great blog!
one of the more intuitive i have seen!
The person who allowed this photo to be posted up should really be more stringent and not just post whatever photos people contribute.
Why I say that? The "lot" this Merc infringed on doesn't really look like a lot. It could just be an empty space. This contribution ain't justified.
High class Merc mah. Of course he parked in "high class" way lah.
blog master has gone on holidays... days are just different without ranting over some idiotic driver who cannot park properly... sigh...
hello to ALL
Pls think beofre posting nasty comments.
i know you guys are angry, but some posts here is really too much,
if you are a ferrari or lambo owner, you think you will park properly, and not occupied 2 lots?
Anonymous said...
hello to ALL
Pls think beofre posting nasty comments.
i know you guys are angry, but some posts here is really too much,
if you are a ferrari or lambo owner, you think you will park properly, and not occupied 2 lots?
Ya I did think! If I am a lambo owner, of course I will park properly and not occupy 2 lots. I don't want to be an idiot dumbass who cant park properly and drive such a expensive car! Screwed up mentally of you to say such a thing. Drive such a high status car, behave like an idiot? No excuse still!!
Now think harder...
P.S If you think the comments are too much for you, then dont't read. Nobody's forcing you anyway.
it's done on purpose to prevent others from scratching their cars when opening doors.
Come on dude, who likes their car to be scratched or dented when opening doors? Be it a ferrari/lambo or even a toyota. I don't think any one in the right mind would enjoy seeing their car get dinged. And obviously no exception to occupy 2 lots. Thats selfish. A parking idiot to me stil.
Quote: Anonymous said...
hello to ALL
Pls think beofre posting nasty comments.
i know you guys are angry, but some posts here is really too much,
if you are a ferrari or lambo owner, you think you will park properly, and not occupied 2 lots?
Parkwell says:
Its not the car... but the driver who did not think about
1) the handicap driver who could not go to a meeting because the handicaps lot is occupied by a selfish driver ... they need the space to transfer to a wheelchair.
2) the driver who has parked his car properly in the lot but came back to find that his driver side is blocked by another car that could not be bothered
3) the driver who had an urgent matter to attend to but found that the available lot is half occupied by another car that decides to park on 2 lots
4) the driver to bothered to park properly and found that his exit is blocked by someone who could not be bothered to park in a proper lot... and had to do a 26 point turn in order to squeeze out.
yes, we have thought quite a bit about these selfish, unthinking drivers, regardless if it is a merc, bmw, lambo, hyundai, kia or yamaha... and we have decided to call them parking idiots... and sometimes worse names.
it appears that these drivers think too much for themselves only, too much of themselves or are not capable of thinking in the first place.
now, what do you think?
They should all get blady towed away, lah.
If you are a Ferrari/Lambo/whatever owner that doesn't want your car dinged, then park it in a private garage or museum.
Carpark associated damage is unfortunately part of the territory when it comes to driving, and parking in public areas.
Short of opting to have a car made exclusively unpainted tank armour or someone inventing an energy shield to protect your car when parked, we all gotta live with the possiblity of returning to some kind of carpark door accident.
To Inconvenienced Motorist: i agree with you. We all have to live with carpark door accidents. Only difference between a driver who bothers to park properly and one who doesn't is the former has a lower chance of getting his car dented by such incidents. For the driver who parks properly, a dent on his car is more likely to be an accident. For one who parks improperly and inconsiderately, it's more likely to be an intentional incident inflicted by an irate fellow-motorist.
where are the updates??? get to work!! i dun believe that the number of parking idiots has drastically decreased!!
no update?
anyone staying near pasir ris fishing pond.. lots of brainless twits here..
if you come in by the roundabout at whitesands side, right before & after the ERP gantry to the carpark.. you will find many parking idiots there.. esp right before the divider where its sometimes impossible to drive thru . he already has to pay for the parking, but he doesnt want to occupy a lot.. or others who park before the gantry, in the roundabout.. u can get 2-3 cars in a line..
twits that are pay per entry users, and yet park in season lots .. and yes.. the ppl who cannot park within a lot...
I honestly do not think that this is a parking idiot. In fact I believe he is doing the car owner of the adjacent lot a favour by giving him more space. After all, the the space that he occupied outside the lot is not a parking lot after all. It is unfair the brand this driver an idiot in this case.
Hey Folks, where the update... im keen to see more idiots....
Definitely dun believe that the number drop drastically...
Hmm... Blogmaster go where ah, all my nice nice pictures never publish!
I think the blog owner is busy with his personal life. Pls bear with it. He doesn't get paid to do this.
Perhaps the blogowner could enlist some help. Get a few more pple to help run the website and post the pictures on his behalf. :D
I think the pictures are too overwhelming for the blog owner to constantly update. No updates for the almost a month now. Hopefully he doesnt give up or no more parking idiots to see.
If ppl like all these can pass their test, why can't I??? sigh... Am I a worse IDIOT than them? haiz...
Looks like the Singapore Parking Idiot Blog has ceased operation..no updates for such a long time already.
Looks like the Singapore Parking Idiot Blog has ceased operation..no updates for such a long time already.
Where are the updates?!
Don't think there will be any updates liao. Looks like there are too many pictures to handle and the blogmaster gave up cos can't cope. Bye bye parking idiots s'pore. :(
Try Parking Idiots at WordPress.
Email your photos and details to parkingperfectionist@yahoo.com.sg
Parking Perfectionist
Check out this.
wat the heck?
no more updatee??
I think tis s good.. if those lousy drivers think they can get away with fine etc then the more we should 'embarrass'or put them to shame.. and to those who think otherwise, look properly, its a lot and clearly drawn.. nevetherless, if ur car dun need that much space, leave it for others.. inconsiderate or careless? u judge it...
Hm. Just got my email+photo of idiot parker returned because mailbox is full. Maybe there are WAAY too many idiots out there for this site to handle :|
should have taken the photo of this driver if can.
I love how this guy did with those rude people.
Mr. Anonymous who had posted the last 2 entries at 8.01pm and 8.06pm, I can safely assume that you are the owner of the Mercedes in the photo. And Mr. Anonymous who had posted the entry at 2.58pm, I do not see why you are so upset about this entry if you are as you claimed "not the driver of the Mercedes, associate or a parking idiot who was featured here". You do not seem to understand that by not parking in the proper designated lot you may not be only inconveniencing other motorists BUT ALSO other people who may be using that space like for pushing of trolley or even wheelchair. By all means park like that if you do not mind your vehicle scratched by a trolley or wheelchair because they may not have enough space to maneuver about.
I am sure everyone can tell that the so called lot beside the parked vehicle is not a parking lot. But have you considered why it has not been made a parking lot when there is obviously enough space for another Mercedes to park?
If you insist that if the driver did not occupy 2 lots even when the driver had obviously parked over the line of the designated parking lot, then I can only say that there is some serious problem with the driving instructors who tell students that is alright. Because it is not alright. True, you are not occupying someone else's lot. BUT you may be causing inconvenience to others who may be using that space, not necessarily a vehicle. In fact if I do not remember wrongly, if we park out of the designated parking lot during our driving test then we are doomed! So if anyone tell me again that parking outside a designated lot is alright because the space beside it is not a lot, I will probably direct the person to take the driving test again to ensure that it is safe for this person to be driving on the road.
I am rich and drive a merc...so what, I can afford a summon! I can park everywhere I like...
That is the most obnoxious and inconsiderate remark I have heard from anyone! If you are so rich, don’t drive a car! Get a chauffeur! Then you do not have to park like an idiot and be a joke to the whole world! Beware that one day your vehicle will be towed away, Mr. Anonymous who had posted the entry at 12:40 PM!
i think our dear blogmaster has decided to retire. this is what i got when i sent in an email last night.
----- Transcript of session follows -----
Notice: This account has become inactive.
i guess its official ba.. the blog owner is gone..
My favourite was when I was in the midst of doing some renovations and had a Black & Decker drill in my car. Some idiot decided to park really close to me, to the extent that I could not open my driver side door. So I climbed in from the passenger side and added half a dozen holes in his passenger side doors (front and back). Totally satisfying.
The parking idiot blogger just left without a trace. Seriously its pretty disappointing. Why in the first place start a Parking Idiot blog and then disappear when everyone is starting to contribute to the site.
If wanna do something, do it all the way not half past six. If too many updates to handle, he can always rope in others to help post them or to get someone who is willing to take over if he can no longer sustain. No doubt its a volunteer thingy but its kinda irresponsible to suddenly MIA. Everyone's waiting for pics to be updated.
Anonymous said...
I am rich and drive a merc...so what, I can afford a summon! I can park everywhere I like...
Clap Clap! Well spoken. Park everywhere cos u can afford summons. Well done! Why don't you try parking up your ass for a change? You might not get a summon there though. LOL...
Geez,Fucktard can't read for crying out loud and making a fool of himself. Didn't I just made a statement saying the Datsun 100A is a car and the question of whether he's driving it. Ooo..Fucktard's too blinded by rage to see it and comprehen it as a duh question.
Repeat after me: Is a Datsun 100A a car? is not the same as The Datsun 100A is also a car ;)
Isn't it funny when kiddies just get all whiny and say things like they do not like talking to cowards or anonymous characters just when they can't take the heat.
Point to note Fucktard, does it matter if my name is Tom, Dick or Harry or *gasp* even Austin here? It's very sad if you think of it as having a sense of identity. There's is more to life besides the internet. Go out, get some sun already Fucktard. Lots of asses out there on the beach for your perusal. ;)
It may be hard to label someone as a parking idiot when he parks within his lot. He might have parked within his lot. But he parked either too close to the left line or the right line, causing the driver of the vehicle next to his, to have a hard time getting back into his or her vehicle. It can be quite frustrating especially for someone with a fat ass. He may have no choice but to open his car door and dent the car of the inconsiderate driver. Not because he purposely wanted to do so, but because he's got a fat ass. Since he's got a fat ass, he has no choice but to squeeze back into his own car. How can he do so without causing some damage to the car next to his? Especially if he has needs to exert a fairly amount of force and strength just to squeeze back into his car.
It may be hard to label someone as a parking idiot when he parks within his lot. He might have parked within his lot. But he parked either too close to the left line or the right line, causing the driver of the vehicle next to his, to have a hard time getting back into his or her vehicle. It can be quite frustrating especially for someone with a fat ass. He may have no choice but to open his car door and dent the car of the inconsiderate driver. Not because he purposely wanted to do so, but because he's got a fat ass. Since he's got a fat ass, he has no choice but to squeeze back into his own car. How can he do so without causing some damage to the car next to his? Especially if he needs to exert a fairly amount of force and strength just to squeeze back into his car.
One little, two little, three little indian,
Four little, five little, six little indian,
Seven little, eight little, nine little indian,
Ten little indian boy
merc drivers are the pits man, their brains is way too small for their car
This is all we've got left of this blog which started off so hot and wonderful but now left cold on the shelf. Tragic.
maybe the blog owner kena hoot outside by car owners, so don't dare update liao. lol
Just as I predicted. This site has degraded into a site that promotes hatred among drivers vs maybe non-drivers or the "wronged".
As I mentioned in a previous mail, put all your energies into changing the situation for the better. Wouldn't be surprised if the Merc driver on the post below is not even a Merc driver.
Word of advice:
Featured Drivers: learn to park and spare a thought for the next car.
Contributors: Relax lah. Not all who parked wrongly are &@#(!#+!@. Is just someone who made an error of judgement.
In a way, good if the site has ceased to operate. This way, pple who got nothing better to do will go back to what they doing. NOTHING.
Best regards from NY!
99 bottles, standing on the wall
98 bottles, standing on the wall
97 bottles standing on the wall.
Merc driver is worse driver in Singapore. They not only think they own the road, they also think they own the parking place.
Spray their cars in fure
Not all merc driver are bad drivers. Pls don't 1 bamboo knock the whole boat of pple.
Frm a merc driver.
but u can't deny the fact that some merc drivers r
I have read about your blog in the newspaper and indeed is a very very good job done! If everyone just need to spend a bit of the time to buck up on their parking skills, there will always be a one time in and park nicely skill to be learn. Juz a bit of learning procedure only, thats all. Even for urgent cases, if not life and death, I believe a parking will not take more then 20 sec. Those who has parked their vehicles who seriously disrupt the parking flow, and got a paper from this blog, please be considerate, by spamming vuglarities or " I know who you are" is childish, lame, and of cos helpless about the situation but to park properly next time. Thank you for making this blog and I myself really apprieciate your work. Whatever the case is, ask them not happy call the police, anyway the police will do nothing.. ha T.C
haha... he suck in parking man... hope he could go for driving test again man..!! haha.. noob parker of the year.. haha... haha.. maybe he think his merc is big man.. haha.. so he need two parking lots. haha..
wah, mercedes you know, the owner must park in 2 lots cos expensive car... can he just park it properly
wah, mercedes you know expensive car, the owner must park into 2 lots other wise his/her expensive car will get scratch or some one banged into it
I do find that merc drivers don't signal when they turn or change lane! Is it because the light bulbs are expensive? HAHAHHAHAA.... I guess so! They can spend 100 over thousand to buy a merc but save $$ on signal light bulbs..
Throw singaporean face.
Low EQ, inconsiderate and selfish. Teacher never teach properly in school. Wonder how they even got their license in the 1st place.
Brandon H
ermmm...your email dun seems to work, have something to contribute.
i find tat singaporean's drivers are inconsiderate and selfish. they only care if their car is in the lot or not and not thinking of those who are going to park beside them or those who are already parked beside them. i guess tis website is a good wake up call to alert drivers to think for others when they are executing their parking skills. think twice for others and for yourself. we can move on to a more gracious society if everyone jst spare a thought for others.
there are too many rich and ignorant drivers in singapore....totally ignorant n inconsiderate n only does thing in their own way n thinking.they got this kind of mentality.."hey!i drive a big car...so wat do i care....SAMAN...SAMAN lor"
plus 1
haiz.. got money buy car but no skill to park.. maybe he shld buy the whole carpark for himself
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