Contributed by DG:
OH MY GOD! This is the worst driver of 2010! This is how this moron thinks that parking should be done? Just leave the car in the middle of the carpark and just go off! What, a BMW does not need to be parked in a lot? This kind of idiot should not just have his car towed away ... but sent to the scrap yard directly; as he obviously cheated in getting his highway code.
Did not leave a contact number, disappeared for nearly 2 hours, and kept the other car drivers fuming mad until he cooly came back on his own sweet time. Man, I wouldn't have been so patient...
Taken at Newton's 18km/30km Run event held at Big Splash, ECP on 10 Oct 2010.
you are back finally!
yes.. LOL! I'm back! Looks like the bad drivers and parkers are not eradicated yet... someone's gotta do the right thing and shame them!
LOL mostly fools are driving cool cars.
why, why are there to many idiots with cars, must be the ecconomy
2 Hours. Wow. Just wonder if there are any hotel nearby or if the driver is back with a PRC babe? haha...
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