Some of you have been requesting for an update of the statistics of Parking Idiots caught. Well, glad to oblige! These charts are created from statistics of 280 parking idiots from the 460 caught so far (the rest not charted yet, because I only started keeping stats from about the last 280! There is an intent to get the stats of the initial 200, but that shall be on a best effort basis!)
Well - there are 3 charts which may be of some interest to you: By Marque, Type and Offence. If there are any other stats you wish to see, please let me know.

I also notice quite a lot of interest and heat generated in the comments sections of several posts, most notably by a reader called Subutex. I have followed the exchanges with great interest, and it is is heartening to know many of you really care about the inconsiderate behaviour of various parking idiots. And there are also others who either condone the inconsiderate behaviour or ask for moderation in comments. Well - I'll leave it to the readers - it takes all kinds to make this world, and I for one, believe strongly in the freedom of speech - tempered by a sense of decorum (that's why I delete the profane and racial comments). Please feel free to insult the parking idiots, as long as you refrain from using obscenities. Anyone offended by insults, may insult back - or ignore them - the freedom to choose is all yours.
I would like to thank all the contributors for their great efforts and wonderful photographs sent to me for publishing - some from as far away as England, South America and Australia. I am sorry I cannot publish all - especially those non-Singaporean - as the primary aim of this blog is to shame the Singapore idiots. The others I do not publish include those that lay on the borderline - and can be forgiven for some careless parking. We are out to get those blantantly inconsiderate morons that park on 2 lots, causing obstruction and road hazards, cars parking on bike lots and vice versa, illegal parking on disabled parking spaces. I welcome any entries with such parking.
I have also received several suggestions to improve the site. One of them is to have a numbering system for the comments, and perhaps, a date-time stamp. I have searched blogger's help - but have not been able to figure out how to do that. If anyone has an idea on how to implement such a feature, please let me know - so that the next time you respond to a comment, you can easily refer to it.
I am also thinking of a way to allow readers to vote for the worst parking idiot of the week, month, etc. Perhaps the best way would be to implement a rating system for each photo - and each reader to be able to vote once. Again - I would be grateful if anyone had an idea on how to implement such a requirement. I am also thinking of making a contest out of this and giving prizes to those who guess the worst idiot - but this would require sponsors, and perhaps advertising to generate revenue.
If you would like to send me your ideas and suggestions, please email to I try to answer all email received - but you may have to wait a bit, as usually receive more email than I can cope with!!