237. Contributed by joe pele:
Here is an idiot who insists on parking at a no parking zone persistently, and thereby blocking biker lots. After a few days of this, a complaint was made, and probably the idiot is now a few dollars poorer but wiser.
Taken at Blk 135 Lorong Ah Soo on 2 May 2006
I think the creator of this web site is someone works for gorvernment, this is 1 of the method gorvernment now use to earn civilian money i think. I saw all of his photo and some were being fine quite alot of money from parking.
People pls stop sending pics and stop gorvernment from squeezing out our money in this way! We already have alot of carpark summoners URA, HDB,TP... Dont send in any more pics! summoners will just visit this site and write down the vehicle number and send a summon! STOP THIS people! You won't want to be the next victims..
if you don't park illegally, there's nothing to fear.
tsk tsk.... dun illegal park then u r save from trouble... anti-garment, i tink u drive, hence u will understand how we road user feels when inconvenience is caused by these people; however of course, if its because ur vehicle had been posted here....
That's right. Park legally and properly and you won't be labeled as a PI :) I doubt the Lancer driver was made just a few dollars poorer. Several tens of dollars, close to hundred dollars, is more like it ;p
i think i heard the lancer screaming: "come and book me! come and book me! i have money but no common sense. book me!"
Anti-Garment, if you don't put your parking coupon or you don't put proper weekend car coupon, this website won't publish you.
The creator and the people visiting this website couldn't care less about making money for Garment.
But you so stupid to park your stupid vehicle that deprives another person of a parking space, or block the road for other people. THEN you get published!
THEN you DESERVE to get the fine coming to you! Let's all be considerate drivers and this website will fade into oblivion.
This clown actually have the cheek to park there 3 dayz in a row. Anyway, I though he has stopped but saw him there last night again... prob got his bonus... too much moola to spare.
Famous quote from the movie Gladiator:
Maximus: "At my signal, unleash hell."
or in this case ... unleash the carpark aunties ...
-- making Singapore liveable
To Inconvenienced Motorist:
I havent got my ride yet, the shipment is on next month. How my pic is publish here? Don't u think the creators is linked to the government? Look deeper, don't just laugh at idiot's pics.
I thought this site is to catch those idiots with poor parking skills. Then wtf got disabled parking (they park nicely), zig-zig line parking(nothing wrong if driver back quickly), unloading goods/pickup point parking (stupid post dont know for wat). See all these are not idiot parking but getting fines pic.
In singapore no people will be so bo liao go post these kinda pics unless u are government sar kar!
Congratulations for being able to afford a ride. It is a privilege, not an entitlement.
I hope when you receive your keys and take to the roads, you drive responsibly, and park properly.
I certainly hope that your hard earned money does NOT go to the Government, in stupid fines.
But when you come across an irresponsible driver that parks right up next to your shiny new ride and blocks your way or deprives you of a parking spot, don't scratch his car or punch him, cause that will only put you in jail and cost you even more money. You at least know that you can come to this site to highlight such idiots.
fine more fine more...
don't want public transport or GST increase
Actually the parking wardens we have nowadays are not aunties anymore. When HDB and URA outsourced their parking enforcement function, the aunties got retrenched. Now we see the Malay male wardens in white riding around on white scooters. It's a dirty job. But somebody's got to do it.
To ww8score; lim beh si sinkapor lang, if not wat am i doing here?
tezze; u think these kinda small fines (i know u will not be getting any fines), the government will not increase your public transport ride? U dont own any vehicle so u keep saying scratch or burn people's car, u very cb..
Lastly your objective in coming to this site is same as me, to laugh at those idiots tat cannot park. If 1 day u own your own car, dont park like idiot or i'll do the 3 things u said to your car.
eh anti-garment, u said it urself u come into this blog to laugh at the pics so wtf u go criticise the pics and the blog-owner?
wat a hypocrite!
hey michael... there are still aunties working. my carpark itself, a malay auntie jaga one. i tink when hdb outsource the job, many of the aunties had to find a new company and hence, they now work for the private companies. so we still do see parking aunties now and then.
nowadays they sub out to other pple to do these checking... no longer those malay auntie....
Careful pple, realise they like to jalan between 1-4am these period...
From the way anti-garment post the msg, I think he doesnt own a car at all...what u guys think???
Track anti-garment IP address and report him/her to the authority...he thought this site is "just for laught" it's serious business, hope your ride will not be frustrated by these inconsiderate parking idiots!!!!
TO www8scorescom, 匿名者提到;
No need copy and paste and dont need to repeat so many times. I dont wan to repeat my post again in here go read wat i wrote back to u.
U people keep sending pics, i think 1 day those carpark aunties will be left jobless. Let them do the job on the spot, no use posting pics here and make people suffer!
agree with anti-garment
anti-garment, wat do u mean by when we post their pics here, they suffer??!! Have you ever been in the car looking out for parking lots and suddenly saw 1 lot, drive over happily and suddenly realize you cant fit into tat lot coz the idiot beside has parked way over his lot? by parking in this manner, he/she is depriving another person to park there, with more and more cars on the roads, it's only considerate to park properly!
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