261. Contributed by rin:
This driver is a selfish idiot. He deliberately parked in a reserved lot meant for another car, and not even on one lot - he occupied 2 lots, by parking in the centre. He did so whilst the contributor was standing there looking at him parking, blatantly doing the wrong thing and not giving a damn. The carpark security should also not give a damn about him and go ahead and clamp the idiot. Let him learn the lesson the hard way.
Taken at Lion City. Submitted on 8 May 2006
wrong. the lot is too small and might scratch the car..
rin, y dont u tell him not to do it? u scared ah?
the contributor already made his statement by standing there and watch him park. i believe any sensible man will not go up to the person to tell the person off. you own the carpark? not happy call the police lah!.. will be the expected response..
and a heated argument will be unavoidable..
good work contributor
then i will call the police and report u wat u did.
i never spend a single dollar ;)
just inform the carpark management and let them take action ...
if they chose not to take any action, you cannot do much since it is a private carpark ...
FxxKThoseWhoCantPark, its gd to see u not Fxxk someone up this time ;D
Its weird how some people condone illegal and idiotic actions. To say it is ok to inconvinience others and park like an idiot is just wrong.
aiya y so much work?juz clamp his car!!!
don't clamp, puncture.
then camp there use hammer wallop him/her when he comes to drive away
oi ... look at the picture again. If the space is for two cars, WHY the space only got ONE car number on the ground ???? Lion City management soooooo stupid meh, reserve two lots with only one car number ???
aiyoh .. y'all be less self-rightous lah ... All this talk-cock abt hammer, puncture, $5 clamp ... I wonder if you really onsite, got BALLS to do or not ???????
This is not a question of condone or not. If you have so much energy, do something about it rather than just talk cock.
maybe the lot is indeed reserved for him. just that he drove another car on that day.
wah say! the driver really aligned the car to the middle of the two lots! Here is an Idiot with pride! haha...
seriously, if this is a reserved lot, and a private carperk, i think the contributor should not confront the guy but alert car park management.
You may be right, he may be the owner of the two lots (maybe the lot is meant for a big fat lambourghini) but he decided to drive his toyota that day? Leave it to the authorities.
Shouldn't take matters into our own hands. Not worth dirtying our hands over idiots.
it's a new car so the owner wants to protect his side doors from dents.
, aiyoh .. y'all be less self-rightous lah ... All this talk-cock abt hammer, puncture, $5 clamp ... I wonder if you really onsite, got BALLS to do or not ???????
This is not a question of condone or not. If you have so much energy, do something about it rather than just talk cock.
wah u the man.. i totally agree with u alot of ppl come here and flame and cock around only..
oi anonymous.. Nobody cares about threats over the internet.
Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard.
Fighting online is like racing in the special
even if you win, you're still retarded. haha
www8scorescom, the problem is the idiot behind him DIDN'T park properly and may have forced him to do that. Sooooo unless you are saying that the van had MORE space to park so far back cuz the Sunny parks like an idiot, your remarks doesn't hold water. So is this what you are saying ???
to the person who posted the above msg,
wrong picture ah???
Like what some had said the 2 lots are reserved for only one car(if u look at the pic carefully). The owner of the lot might have driven another car that day. If the lots are not ment for him, i belive the rightful owner would have asked the management to lock that car already.
shako said...
oi anonymous.. Nobody cares about threats over the internet.
Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard.
Fighting online is like racing in the special
even if you win, you're still retarded. haha
True. but that means u lost. and losing to a retard is WORST.
Anonymous said...
Like what some had said the 2 lots are reserved for only one car(if u look at the pic carefully). The owner of the lot might have driven another car that day. If the lots are not ment for him, i belive the rightful owner would have asked the management to lock that car already.
shako said
Fighting online is like racing in the special
even if you win, you're still retarded. haha
i agree with the point you were trying to make... but this is an unfortunately insensitive way of saying it...
please do not make such insensitive remarks again.
One strange thing...
noticed only one plate number painted on the floor for the two reserved lots...
maybe this is indeed his lot guys? lets no jump to conclusions. if he has a lot specially reserved for him, i wouldnt be surprised to know tt he has more than 1 car
Hey, give the gue some credit ;) After all, he managed to get the deviding line in the centre where he parked, HaHaHa
park like his gradfather own the carpark.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
Bro & sis.. dun get so worked up over the idoit (or maybe not). Think we should just let others post their views instead of attacking them.. two side to a coin, and each of us will have diff views of the side (which is head & whch is tail? egg or chicken first?) haha.. let's enjoy and hope we all "learn" to park properly.. cool eh? but i like the retard fighting thingy.. haha
Well, it could be one lot reserved for one shop/apartment & this guy/gal owns two shops thus two lot reserved for him/her. He/she can jolly well park anyway he/she likes.& could be driving another car or his friends relative given permission to park there. NOthing wrong what.
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