255. Contributed by NawNaw:
Here's a Hyundai Accent with too much space to park, that the idiot driver was undecided which lot to take - thus ended up taking up both lots and depriving someone else because of his incosiderate behavior.
Taken at LakeHolmz. Submitted on 7 May 2006
This parking idiot probably wanted a corner lot that so no one can ding his new car. BUT the idiot also doesn't like the hot sun light beaming onto the car.
i'd love to help him keep his car there. REMOVE THE TYRES!
i like e idea of removin his tyres!! *evil but i like!
Remove the tyres already remember put bricks in replacement.
i go your house remove all your shoes then put bricks for u in replacement.
taking out ppl car tyres and leaving bricks in place and therefore not letting them drive away is like taking all your shoes away and not letting u get out of your house. and yes leaving your shoes outside the corridor might block it.
The corner space does not appear to be a parking lot to me. I believe this driver is just making used of the edge space which is of no use after all. Kasih chance lah!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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