Sunday, March 26, 2006

030. Contributed by WH:

This Toyota driver must be a ninny. Private property allows certain privileges, but idiotic parking is definately not one of them.

Taken at Rajah Condo on 26 March 2006 at about 5pm.


abintan said...

i think you're too harsh with some of them. a little on the line is acceptable, a bit not straight should also be forgiven (new drivers out there. :)) but ya la, some of those are just parking idiots. gj.

Parking Idiot said...

I agree that parking a little on the line by itself seems to be ok, and theoretically does not deserve admonishment. But reality is - that because even that bit of encroachment onto the other lot, makes it very difficult for the other driver.

Even this evening, when I parked on the centre of my lot - there was an SUV on my right that had parked very close to the edge of his lot, but not touching the line. It forced me to open my door very slightly so as not to ding the SUV, turn to my side and creep out through the space between our two cars. I even had to hold my stomach in as I squeezed out between our side mirrors!!

So - what should I have done, parked like an idiot and cause the same problem to the car on my left? It takes everyone to cooperate and be considerate.

Anonymous said...

Hi.. hope u all understand.. i am a driver too.. sometimes.. the parking lots are just too small.. the lines that they draw are too narrow .. do u agree??

some of the pics i see here.. are some with very narrow lots..

Parking Idiot said...

I agree that many, if not most, parking lots in Singapore are very narrow. All the more we should be considerate in parking as properly as possible within the lot, so as to not to inconvenience others.

Anonymous said...

do you agree that if you can't park perfectly (100% in the center of the lot at all times) you don't deserve to drive?

Parking Idiot said...

Deserving to drive or not depends on the TP. The rest of us laymen can only shake heads at idiotic drivers and bitch about it! LOL!

And probably post the photo and hope the idiotic driver sees it and does something to improve.

Anonymous said...

cars have become bigger, parking lot sizes have remained pretty much the same. whos the winner, the parking lot owner who can squeeze in more sardines and make more money.