Wednesday, March 29, 2006

040. Contributed by S:

This one is a real idiot. He needs one lot for each of his twin exhaust pipes. Perhaps his ride is too low to see the carpark lot. He also belongs in the sotong class.

Taken at Changi Airport T1 carpark on 16 March 2006.


Marcus said...

He/she is trying to protect his/her car lah. Parking this way will prevent anyone from parking next to it and scratch it.

Parking Idiot said...

If everybody thinks like this, a 100lot carpark is just enough for 50 cars! LOL!

Mockingbird said...

Shithead ;p

Anonymous said...

this type of drivers really need to have some artwork etched onto their cars to wake up their ideas.

Anonymous said...

this type of driver only use their ass to think.....thats y they dun have any consideration...must teach them a lesson, take out 2 of their tyres n keep it

Raymond Yong said...

Well the driver could have park at some far end of the car park and walk all the way to the airport to try to keep the car dent free. Selfishness that calls for an A3 sized PARKING IDIOT label!!!

Katherine Mills said...

The drivers should take care of parking facilities not only for their own cars but also show great courtesy for other people so that they may not get disturbed regarding parking lot next to it.
compare airport parking