Tuesday, March 21, 2006

012. Contributed by dezimondo:

Ha! Hardly seems a point in masking a single digit license plate. How many of these babies do you see anyway? Obviously, the idiotic driver of this Lamborghini may have the dough to buy the car, but knows nuts about parking. Taken at Harbourfront Carpark on 21 March 2006. The car had been left there from morning till noon.


Anonymous said...

if u hav a chance get a look at the wide of that lambo. it normally takes more than a lot space to park that thing.

Parking Idiot said...

So this is an exception, huh? Never seen it before - it's possible you are right. I guess a Hummer also would have problems in our carparks! LOL

Anonymous said...

give the guy a break

Anonymous said...

i love your site, but this picture.. in all honesty, lambos are too wide to fit in most normal lots, and in some older carparks sometimes we have no choice but to park in two lots. yes, thats selfish, but theres really not much choice, and besides, they're rarely parked in public car parks anyway. i'm not trying to defend lambo drivers here, but just hoping for some understanding.

Anonymous said...

i know. but this is harbourfront centre! new building. big lots! have you tried before? i anyhow park my mini also can make it.

the lambo is here everyday. most of the days it is parked nicely. but just that one day it is not.

i tot post this pic for everyone to see that no one is perfect. even a lambo driver can also kayu park.

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk... Pocket big enough to buy a lambo but head not big enough to contain brains...

Anonymous said...

but then... if u drive one huge $$$$$ thing, would u want to park in a way where people open their door, bang u?

give the lambo a break!