Monday, March 27, 2006

032. Contributed by Sarah:

This one truly an idiot. The lady driver of this Hyundai seems to have been doing the same thing for a long time!!!! Goodness gracious - how did she pass her driving test?! Perhaps should stick to the MRT.

Taken at Tampines St 22 Carpark on 27 March 2006.


Anonymous said...

Looking at this pix, it is possible that the van might have forced the driver to park a little to the left.

But if he can parked that much to the left, he might as well just parked at the next lot.

Where the logic??

Anonymous said...

the p plate should remain there for eternity. and my opinion that woman shaldn't ever be allowed to drive SUV still holds firmly.

Anonymous said...

No the van was not there when I saw this Hyundai & It was park overnight like that. I believe the van had to choice but to park there the night before.

Anonymous said...

looks like paul is defending all the inconsiderate drivers he he he

Anonymous said...

guess the SUV's driver was afraid that her car might be scratch by the van!

Anonymous said...

OH YES the driver did that before but too bad lah no chance to snap.haha manage to snap another one this morning & will forward soon.

Mockingbird said...

SFN stands for Si Fei Niao (死肥鸟). Somebody, anybody, quick! Wreck this car for the benefit of all mankind. A lady driver with such horrendous parking skills (i doubt her driving skills are any much better anyway) shouldn't be driving at all in the 1st place ;p

Anonymous said...

hahahaha Good one Michael. You know what the driver is indeed a Fat Lady.

Anonymous said...

lol st 22 i live st 21 kuang kuang kuang~~