Friday, March 31, 2006

049. Contributed by FC:

This must be a new version BMW bus-series. The driver thinks it's too long for a normal carpark lot, and decided to use two lots to park, like a bus.

Taken at Blair Road on 30 March 2006 at about 3pm.


Mockingbird said...

Not exactly 2 lots lah. Only slightly jutting out to the lot in front mah. Still not so bad. By the way, this BMW is not a new model ;)

Anonymous said...

not so bad?? u gotta be kidding.. Who TF parks his/her car like that. Do U?? It's not even a long wheel base version.. F'ed up.

Anonymous said...

pls consider if theres someone whom park to close on him before he park? thus he need to move a little backwards...