Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Show the number!!!

I have received quite a number of feedback to display the car plate numbers, instead of masking them.

So, I consulted a legal professional and was advised that it was ok to display the car plate number. There is nothing illegal about doing so, and if the intention is not to defame any specific person, but just a picture of the vehicle - there is nothing objectionable about it, and no legal action can be taken.

Therefore, based on the above advice, I am stepping up the blogsite a notch by henceforth NOT masking the plate numbers of the cars, unless specifically requested by the contributor of the photo. I shall respect the contributor's privacy and wishes.

With respect to other feedback, I shall also be more selective about the photos being posted. The criteria is that the car should be at least partially out of a designated lot, and the car must be parked in a way to inconvenience or be a danger to other drivers. They may or may not be breaking any traffic laws, but their inconsiderate behaviour is what we wish to highlight.

Thus, someone who may not park centred in the lot, but still remains fully within the lot, or touching the line, we shall forgive and hope they do better the next time. (You can still stick a parking idiot label, though!). No one can be expected to be perfect, so we shall be more forgiving. But, true idiotic parking, like the Hyundai SUV in the previous post, we shall definately want to display here.

So after this long and rambling reply to feedback received, I hope that all the readers and contributors continue supporting this blogsite, and keep submitting the photos of parking idiots. We have garnerned many supporters in the short span of time this blogsite has been up, and I can only imagine that it shall get more exciting in future, now that we are going to display the number plates!!


胖胖死鬼 said...

I like that now.. we can actually display the full license plates.

My comments?
Perhaps we could do with more publicity?

I mean.. the forums had done a good job of promoting this site.. but more needs to be done.. hehe..

I'm all for taking those parking idiots out of SGP.

Anonymous said...

I think if you want to show the car numbers in full, then you probably want to be careful when you attached the captions/description.

Calling someone an 'idiot' or making disparaging comments on a blog may be ground for a slander suit.

I think a picture speaks a thousand words. All you probably just need to do is to put the time and place the picture was taken and that would be enough.

My 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I agree with Paul.

I support the displaying of full license plate, but perhaps you can leave out the comments on them. It will save you troubles in composing them and subsequently getting into potential troubles.

Just state the time, location and other supporting information.

Thanks for the site btw!

Parking Idiot said...

Hmm.. good feedback. I guess not really necessary to insult them... the pictures speak a thousand words...

Ok.. let's see how bad is the next photo! LOL!

Azure Sphere IoT said...

this site was being "promoted" by miyagi is his column in Today paper (29 March).

Good job, PIS.

Anonymous said...

Hi blog owner,

Read about your blog in the Today paper and came in for a visit. Must commend you for a great idea and for this community service. It's about time for a platform like this to show up all these inconsiderate drivers, whose population on our little island seems to be growing every day.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just came to your Blog today, after the publicity.. It is a cool blog for sure.. man I know a few cars in my area that should be featured here! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just came to your Blog today, after the publicity.. It is a cool blog for sure.. man I know a few cars in my area that should be featured here! thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm all for highlighting these inconsiderate drivers so that when they are featured here, they will learn to park properly in the future. However, sometimes these drivers parked this way because the previous adjacent cars left them little space in the first place. And when these initial idiotic drivers left, the remaining car now looked like the idiotic one, when in actual fact, it might not have been. So, would it be fair to this possibly innocent driver? Just a thought.

Parking Idiot said...

You are very right - we should not tar all drivers with the same feather. You are welcome to look thru this site and find those posts that fit the description of "accidental" idiots due to someone else's initial idiotic parking, and comment.

Let's discuss case by case.