Thursday, August 24, 2006

316. Contributed by dawnlite:

Another idiot driver who thinks the whole carpark belongs to him and his puny car. I think he's got an inferiority complex, gauging from the size of the spoiler. The car was seen parked like this nearly the whole day, depriving someone else of parking on the next lot - the selfish moron.

SFC1777Z. Taken at United Square on 15 August 2006 at about 12:30pm.


Anonymous said...

Integra driver thinks he's a rich bigshot.

Anonymous said...

Is this the car of the guy who left the warning letter in the comment section of "terms and conditions"

Anonymous said...

looks like hes the person leh... judging by the carpark marking on the floor, i think the car in front of the integra also taking up 2 lots leh.. hehz

Anonymous said...

Yes, Maybe he is just following the car in front, that make him even more st**id.

Anonymous said...

Monkey see, monkey d0