Saturday, August 26, 2006

331. Contributed by jazzman:

Here's a Kia trying a head-in parking but failing miserably. Poor idiot, must have had a lousy driving instructor - should demand a refund.

SFL1985S. Taken on 20 June 2006 at about 7:50AM.


Anonymous said...

hey do you think if you could add a tagbox??? much easier to give comments seriously

Parking Idiot said...

erm.. what's a tagbox??

Anonymous said...

Hey COOLman ...coz looks like either you dont have a DRIVER's License or your judgement on the other car-parked ( maybe earlier than the KIA driver ) is not good enough

Anonymous said...

Too poor to buy a BMW, but thinks he is loaded and park like one

Anonymous said...

the hyundai matrix on the left is another parking idiot too... so close to the line forcing others to park out of the lot.

Anonymous said...

So what if you got your driving license for 20 years... that doesn't make you Driving Mentor.

Anonymous said...

To MN,

Then that makes you Senior Driving Mentor lar...

Need to die but still wun die rite?