Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Thanks for the welcome!

Wow.. I have received so many letters welcoming me back! Thanks, everyone, for the support and the interest in the site! There have been several contributions already. I am now putting up the photos.

I have even received an email from an international site that features Idiots parking on disability parking spaces (my pet peeve). Caughtya.org is dedicated to shaming those idiots who have no consideration whatsoever for the disabled and mobility impaired by parking in their lots. I have placed a link to this site on my links section on the right navigation bar. Check it out!

A gentle reminder to all the contributors to Parking Idiots. We are looking for cars that have been parked inconsiderately, and causing obstruction to other road users (ie. parked on double lots, blocking traffic or pedestrians, parking on disability parking spaces, etc.) We are not necessarily looking for illegal parking, as I feel the authorities are more than capable of handing out summons for these.. ha! ha! If the illegal parking coincides with inconsiderate parking - by all means send the photos in! We'll publish them.

Also, please try to take the photo demonstrating how the car is actually being parked inconsiderately, otherwise readers will be wondering why the photo is being displayed. We want to be fair as possible, and not publish those borderline cases.

And importantly, we need the number plate to be seen - otherwise, there is little point in displaying the car - as no one would be able to identify the idiot, and he gets away.

A small write up with the date and location of the incident would make the post more interesting. I give due credit to the contributors, but those who are shy may want to use a nickname to be identified with. I respect your privacy and shall comply with such wishes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming back :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the mention of my site, Caughtya.org :) Glad to see there are other people that care about such things.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I've taken a few pics with my phone can we sms them in for you to upload. Thanks.

Parking Idiot said...

SMS.. hmm.. I don't have the capability to receive SMS/MMS photos. However, you may consider uploading the photos to a moblog site like www.moblog.com.sg
and then send me the link via email.

Anonymous said...
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Parking Idiot said...

No obscenities, please... previous posts deleted

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Heard you went to Guangzou for chicks!
Hope you didn't catch any HIV or Birdflu. The Tui Nas are back in business, wana go again?