091. Contributed by Jason:
Here's an idiot SUV driver that is a wannabe motorcyclist. So much so, that instead of parking in a proper carpark lot, he prefers to squeeze and park in motorcycle lots. Someone revoke his class 3 licence, please.
Taken at AMK Ave 1 Blk 232 Carpark, on 9 April 2006 at about 3pm.
Not all Hyundai drivers are like that. It seems only the Tucson ones are more idiotic than those who drive either a Accent, Getz, or Verna ;p
Hmm. Just to ask, is there any avenue that we can report such incidents? I mean cars parking on motobike lots? And who do we report to? Traffic police? LTA? URA? Or HDB?
scratch the vehicle, dent the body... bl**dy hel* driver.....
Hey wait that's MY block and FYI, I can hardly park my own car here since there r kazillion cars illegally parked here for the 'delicious' crab. 1) They park at the reserved parking lots 2) When parked in a proper lot, no coupons shown unless they hear the whistle being blown and 3) Idiots take up more than one lot by parking over the edge of the line!
Can you tell I'm 'just a wee bit' upset? Gotta love this site!
at least now we know there are quite a few tucson drivers who are cheap lazy inconsiderate asses...
send to lta
I'm so glad I found this site. To be honest a few months back I was thinking of setting up a site exactly like this but I wasn't sure how to solicit more pictures of parking idiots, but it's great to see that you have so many contributors. I for one will definitely be a regular contributor from now on!
Keep up the good work!
hey dont you think you shld remove their plate numbers? i think may get sued for ont doing so eh...
may i know how can we put up an parking idiot (car) photo?
Brilliant of you to set up a blog specially for parking idiots. Hope this will be a good deterrant to would be offenders.
Am going to write to ST Press to let them know about this blog so that Singaporeans will realise they cannot just park anyhow for "Big Brother" is watching them. Malu lah to have your car number plates displayed in your blog and every parking error blazingly for the world to see!
I am now the proud owner of No. 11 gas-less, insurance-less, road tax-less, carpark-less vehicle.
Choo Choo
To submit photos - please email them to parkingidiot@cooltoad.com
Hey cpt.zr., don't worry, I don't think you'll get sued for leaving the number plates on the photos.
There is no common law right to privacy in Singapore. Unless the information contained in the picture is confidential information, or you committed trespass, caused nuisance (unlikely) or a crime (e.g. outrage of modesty) while taking the picture, the aggrieved person has no right against you. That leaves a suit for defamation (i.e. suggesting to the public that you cannot park, therefore lowering your reputation in the eyes of the public blablabla) but that is easily countered by the defence that the suggestion is true!
Throw the obvious freedom of speech and public interest arguments here and you have nothing to fear. Submit more pictures!
eh the car number always come out 4d leh! hehehehe but IDIOT DRIVER!
May be he toooo much money already lah
Looks like this web helps...
Is there a drop in number of parking idiots around? haha haven seen new pics being put up recently...(",)
what's wrong with that? you are taking up the same space as regular lots. The motor cycles park on the pavements anyway.
2 wrongs do not make 1 right
Cool site... If only LTA or police can start using this site as proof to issue summons..
Sadly the number of idiots has not reduced, 'cos I have received a number of photos - but a bit tied up the last few days - so no time to post.
But this long weekend, I shall clear the backlog - there are some really horrendous parking in some of these photos!
Keep on reading!
the person tat comment tis site as retarded is actually the 1 tat is retarded. He must be 1 of the parking idiots that had his photo posted here.
If YOUR vehicle is posted here, PLEASE WAKE UP YOUR F**KING IDEA.
You must be ashame of yourself.
For the sake of everyone reading this site, can the owner of this blog also advise the public the different authorities to call for different areas where cars were not parked orderly.
I know for HDB Carparks we can call 1800-2721409
Please call we have nothing to loose as it is toll-free
yehhhhh!!!! you go TEE :)
someone here thinks its ok for cars to park at motorcycle slots since motorcycles park on pavement. It seems to me that this idiot doesn't understand that unlike a motorcycle...cars take up much more space. How would you feel if a motorcycle parked in a car lot?I'm sure it'd be fine coz motorbikes only occupy one car lot.
or why don't you try parking your vehicle on the pavement next time?
hey, u the one who said Parking Idiots are HYUNDAI DRIVERS.. u are getting in BIG TROUBLE.. all HYUNDAI drivers are going to get u so u better be careful.. at Blog doesn't mean talk senselessly, must talk meaningful and with sense hor....
there is no privacy in a public place.privacy is confined to the home,office or certain restricted areas.one should stay clear from targeting any particular person or certain parties and making them lower in the eyes of reasonable ppl.
This is a great post and I appreciate. Thanks for sharing jfk airport parking deals
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