152. Contributed by Peter P:
Yet another Hyundai with little knowledge or skills in parking, automatically qualifying as an Idiot Parker. And the next car, the blue Mitsubishi also becomes an accomplice idiot by following the first idiot. Our photographer manages to stick a Parking Idiot label on the Hyundai idiot.
Taken at Blk 163A Gangsa Road MSCP on 20 April 2006 at about 10:00pm.
whoever stuck that sticker onto the windscreen. do u know that what you did is liable under singapore law for vandalism? potential penalties include canings, jail and/or fine. if you have any frustrations against vehicles parked illegally, i strongly advise you to report to the relevant parking authority immediately.
must be the driver
driver or not its none of anyone's business. if anyone breaks the law, he/she will be liable to the consequences.
i personaly feel that we shdnt stick sticker on the windscreen. But there a NEED to take the pic & post it here. We r not here to create trouble BUT rather to highlight parking woes faced by many singaporean....
Adminstrator, maybe u can check wif ur legal consel if putting those sticker is indeed illegal.
However, pls continue to send in more pics, should they violate the parking rules.
If stucking the poster is an offence then many of those advertisement got stuck onto your windscreen every morning also potentially "kena" cane ? Jail ? Hmm... maybe should call the fella up and tell him that..
Anonymous said...
Adminstrator, maybe u can check wif ur legal consel if putting those sticker is indeed illegal.
Thanks for the feedback. It's not a sticker. It's just an image on a website. People may print and place them on cars (similar to the junk flyers we receive in carparks).
This blog discourages anyone from sticking these labels by way of stickers, glue or other solvents (see the disclaimer on top of the page). If, however, anybody does vandalise any property - the blog or myself cannot be held accountable.
War of words eh? Let's not go out of point and make fun of the car and the Anonymous driver instead :P
tezza, from what you have said here. it just goes to reflect on how ignorant and childish you are. You are ignorant on your imbeccile acts, ignorant of the laws of Singapore and just plain inconsiderate. if those labels just takes the form of a flier, personally i feel that its alright. but if it involves any adhesive materials coming into contact with the car body, then i am afraid its rendered vandalism. tezza, please be considerate about what you comment in this forum, your words reflect on your character and wisdom, that is, if you have any.
Ha, ha, ha... :D It's not even a sticker for crying out loud! It's merely a piece of paper much like the advertisements we get on our windscreens every now and then.
Perhaps we should sympathise with some drivers who don't park properly not because they can't be bothered to but because they really lack the skills to do so. I know of people who, no matter how hard they try, still get their cars parked slanted or off the center. They suffer from CPPS which stands for:
yah loh tezza... u sound like you are descibing yourself vividly. points for effort! peace! lol
Just park Your vehicle properly next time and there will be no war of words ok?
Ha ha ha good one tezza.Guess the driver him/herself trying to be childish themself hahaha
Agree with Dane. Just keep mum & park properly & all this wont happen.
By the way to all inconsiderate drivers, its a good thing that we capture your idiotic & get the blogger to post it here at least you know how INCONSIDERATE & UNSKILLFUL driver you are. Learn your lesson! IF NOT GO BACK DRIVING SCHOOL or balik kampung lah. lol!!!
win liao loh... these pple pasting the stickers now mahjiam take over gahment role liao loh... champion!
well, i guess a big Pamphlet instead of a sticker won't violate any laws or rights eh? anyway, the stickers' too small, get them in A4 size or A3 if possible.
Hurray ! Hurray! You go FRED! hehehe!!
i think it is about time to remove Anonymous option. whoever want to comment should be identified with at least a username, etc...sometimes it gets confusing, which anonymous is an idiot and which is not.
I disagree to Peter.
If you are the driver of Mitsubishi, will you or will you not follow the next car? If you do not follow the next car, then your car will be very close to the car.
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