159. Contributed by MHC:
See this selfish idiot parked so comfortably between the handicap lot and the walkway? Well, it's actually a No Parking spot, because that's where the ramp is for the disabled to use. So this moron, by parking here for his own convenience, is effectively blocking the use of the ramp and the handicap lot. Seems that this nutjob has been doing this pretty frequently. I recommend for the contributor to call the Traffic Offence hotline.
Taken at Blk 530 Serangoon North Ave 4. Submitted on 20 April 2006
I'm the person who took this pic. Took another pic today of the same car. This time round a malaysian lexus join him in the lot. called the parking enforcement. hope they arrive before the idiot moves the car.
Great!!! Hope the parking enforcement act fast and comes with a tow truck and tow it away.
Update us on the outcome ya..So selfish..I mean you never know if one day you will become poor or if you will become crippled ..wat comes around goes around..
eh tezza not here to whine ah?? tezza where are all your comments??"
I am also keen to know the fate of the merc and the lekses.. update?
if u like, u can call hdb carparks hotline: 1800 272 1409.
since hdb has outsourced this service, there will be a call centre to take the call, they will then dispatched the investigating officer (io) to look at the complain.
be sure to provide the following information:
1. blk no.
2. street name
3. lot number (usually being with H)
remember not to get the street name or blk no. wrong ... these io very blur one ... tell them to go blk 1 ... they will only go blk 1 even if you meant to say blk 2 ...
Hey .. this is my block ... *phew* lucky not me ... heee
agreed that such pple are irritating indeed......there are such idiots near my place too....maybe i should take their photos and submit it here...hehe
hey thanks sfx for the number..
i always got the chance to see many illegal parking or inconsiderate parkings.. will now call that number to tackle with them now. THANKS
These numbers are found on the front page of this blog:
Traffic Police Hotline:
1800 547 1818
HDB Carparks Hotline:
1800 272 1409
URA Carparks Hotline:
6329 3434
Please call responsibily. Also you have to be patient. They will take time to response. I have waited up to 40 minutes for the investigating officer (io) to show up only to be told when I call them again that the io has gone to the wrong lot because I have not told them the correct block.
But it will not stop me from trying until they get it right.
The merc was parked there again this morning .... too bad was in a hurry otherwise call HDB ....
why don't just send the picture to HDB? to show length of time the merc park there, just send two pictures with time logged in.
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