163. Contributed by sfx:
This idiot Beemer driver thinks cars parking on the left will only be tiny Kanchils; that's why he parked too far to the left and took up part of the next lot's space. He might as well have parallel parke on the 2 lots, since nobody else could park there anyway, with him being so inconsiderate.
Taken at Blk 448A MSCP Sin Ming Ave on 21 Apr 2006.
Maybe HDB should deduct from him (S$180) before issuing him next month season ticket since he is using 2 parking lots to park his BMW.... Can drive big car, so can afford to pay.
interesting site!
this site is advertised by yes933! lol....
Hey, why are you calling ppl idiots all over when you are afterall humans and some in fact might be more smarter? Show a little respect can? Its kinda of rude to be spoting words of insulting despite those drivers might be at fault..
Hey, If u r a handicapped, having being push around on a wheelchair or using clutches, and wanna to access those areas blocked by these "idiots", I am very sure u wont say these again, so think b4 u comment.
being human does not make one considerate... being smart does not make one less idiotic... in fact, if one is "intelligent" or "smart" but inconsiderate... one deserves to be called an "idiot".
You want to suggest a "politically correct" or "socially sensitive" name? er.. "parking inept" or "spacially challenged", drivers with "spacial needs"?
IMHO, they do not deserve consideration if they do not think for others.
must be car too big and the HDB draw the lot too small for the to navigate
This site is should be the favorite hangout for "Parking Nazis" and parking attendants wannabe.
Maybe half of all those photos posted are borderline cases with half the wheel over the line, and too bad they "don't pass" the parking test...in the strictest application of the rules.
Hahhahahaa....just imho. A guy that is sometimes a "parking idiot" and sometimes being pissed off by "parking idiots".
Has anyone noticed that at Punggol, the multi-storey car parks there have car park lots of unequal sizes, some so big can squeeze 2 cars in ;p
i guess if you are bad at parking, u can try it a couple of times to get your car inside the parking lot or straight. i am sure lousy parkers can get it right after some tries. if not, how they pass their TP?? Pictures here are those who are lazy and incosiderate. i like this site. where i can see all the stupid fools' car. Haha
Great Site. Congratulations...
Here's a thought for an additional feature. How about listing every car that has been photographed! This will
a) allow people to search if they are a parking idiot and
b)if their vehicle appears more than 3 times, they win some award!
this site could well go commercial. can I suggest you look for sponsors (think car accessories) and host it on a .com or .com.sg
There is a team sniffing out the owner of this blog ...beware
is the action/ grp of ppl being approved by the neccessary authority? If not i guess those respective owners could file a complaint against them, be it privacy or vandalising their vehicles with those stickers blah?
I mean its interesting la, but pls la, SG already everywhr ERP, FINES BLAh, still now singaporeans wanna create trouble for own sg ppl. this is sicko man!
ps: No offend, personal comment though.
hah! wait till u see ur gf/bf, close friends or relatives pics here, then u still wondering why u are contributing photos to here. LOL. so funnie..
Well, talk about SG ppl creat trouble for own SG ppl, aren't those inconsiderate drivers creating trouble for own SG ppl?
Come on, they park on 2 lots, park at double yellow lines, all these are creating trouble and caused inconveniences to other read users.
If they feel that the ppl are creating trouble for them. Then themselves have to wake up first. If every drivers are considerate, do you think there is a chance for this webbie to up?
Think man, think.
Pls dont talk nonsense la..what case has the police or whoever has against this BLOG..!!Dont be ridiculous,if really the owner of this blog gets sued,you idiots will get sued also..look at the way some of you park..come on la people...if you dont like this blog then dont bother looking or coming here..
Don't like, don't come in.
Don't know how to park, don't drive.
hyuk hyuk... whoever took this photo stepped on somebody's tail hard...
never mind, burn the car I say!
The word is out ....they know where the blog owner lives and planning something interesting hehehe stay tuned
funny that u guys want to take it out on the owner of the blog. but not the 1 who has taken the picture? haha. the owner of the blog is not in charge of going around and taking pictures right?
guess u guys just wanna try taking his idiot parking?
This car is called a beemer? i tot it's called bimmer?
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